Barry, S3 (Now TV)

Bill Hader’s dark comedy about an assassin turned actor has long been one of the most underrated shows on television, but it really finds a different gear in its third season.

With the titular anti-hero in an increasingly unstable state of mind, the line between comedy and drama becomes increasingly blurred. Indeed, you could make a viable case for Barry being a genre of its own making.

Hader is once again fantastic in the lead role and definitively underlines his credentials as one of the very best comedic leads working in Hollywood today. No less can be said of a stellar supporting cast that includes, but is not limited to, the wonderful Sarah Goldberg, Anthony Corrigan and Henry Winkler.

Much of this season is focused on Barry’s battle with his own conscience as he tries in vain to extricate himself from his former life, as well as overcome the demons that plague him on account of his previous crimes. But the show also has much to say about the general ludicrousness of the Tinsel Town machine, with the arc of Barry’s beau Sally Reed (Goldberg) making for some standout content.

There are some stellar individual episodes to enjoy also, none more so than its penultimate offering in which Barry goes on a seriously dark trip. Hader takes on directorial duties on more than one occasion and demonstrates a natural penchant for the role which suggests he may well have a promising career ahead of him behind the camera as well as in front.

With work already underway on the fourth season, Barry promises to continue flying under the radar of conventional pop culture. It’s surely only a matter of time before people wise up to this hidden gem though – put simply, it’s just too damn good to ignore.


Obi-Wan Kenobi (Disney+)


The Essex Serpent, Apple TV+